Tuesday, December 05, 2006

The Many Faces of Bunkasai: Seeing Stars

Class 2C: Observatory

2C constructed an observatory out of an old sheet, bamboo, glow in the dark stars, a disco ball and a flashlight. It was actually quite ingenious. The students ushered everyone into the observatory and then read a passage about our solar system. Of course I had no idea what was being said, but it was an interesting idea nonetheless.

Here is the entrance to the observatory


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow looks like the kids did quite a lot of work. What a neat celebration. How's it going? Homesick?? I wish I could say teaching in Canada has been that interesting. I just got through my first round of reports and parent teacher interviews, quite interesting for a whole different host of reasons. Keep up the interesting posts.

3:18 p.m.  

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